It's drawing time.

The Reckoning

I thought I would post up some of my recent work, starting with this one. Much like my WAR-E toy, I made this because E.T. is a bit of a wusstard. I mean really? You can fly but you run from a bunch of incompetent, government agents with flashlights? Ahem, the replacing of the guns in the movie with flashlights is another valid and well-deserved reason I created this.

Thank you George Lucas and Steven Spielberg for destroying my childhood dreams. I reject your reality and substitute my own. Oh yeah, and please kill yourselves.

Buzzinator Buzz Lightyear-terminator T-800 custom designer toy *exclusive*



So here he is, finally. My “Buzzinator”  Terminator T-800 edition custom toy is now featured on Gizmodo! The model number stands for Cyberdyne Systems model 101 (the original Terminator model from Hollywood) and the SR stands for “Space Ranger” which is Buzz Lightyear’s monicker. The Cyberdyne Systems logos on my “Buzzinator” are custom made, as are the other graphics. Galavanting through the cosmos has taken its toll on poor old Buzzinator but he will find the one they call “lightyear” and TERMINATE him.  Update: Apparently the Director of Toy Story 3 Lee Unkrich likes my Buzzinator. He retweeted the link. Cool!

His backpack is removable. It houses a custom made nuclear power source. I have yet to take pictures of it. I will soon.  







This toy is a private commission. It is for sale in very limited numbers as well. If you wish to contact me in reference to one of my custom pieces, or for any other reason, just follow me on twitter or send me a message on facebook. I take great care with my work and spend a lot of time getting it precisely as it should be. 🙂 I also care about people and will try to get back to you as soon as is humanly possible. If you would like to hire me to create a custom design for you, the same applies. Cheers!

Buzz Lightyear: Terminator T-800 edition or "Buzzinator"

This is an exclusive sneak-peak of my latest project.

Buzz lightyear has been galavanting through space for too long. Skynet has assumed control of the blogosphere, websites, Pixar, near Earth orbit and the “intertubes”.

Skynet has been increasing thier research into human pop culture, history and events. Recently they discovered another threat to thier existence. Buzz Lightyear, hero of the Pixar universe. (whatever that means to them)

So, in good form as they are well known to do, they began gaming this percieved threat. Skynet has a new and advanced prototype Space Ranger commanded and controlled by a freshly minted Terminator series T-800-SR. Unfortunately, this T-800-SR (Space Ranger edition) was lost in orbit and has been dilligently searching for Buzz Lightyear for decades. The year is 2134.

Here is an exclusive sneak-peak at what the new Cyberdyne Systems model 101-SR (Space Ranger edition) looks like. After floating aimlessly in orbit, in search of the “mythical” Lightyear, his protocol behavioral program hit a time limit and he has re-entered Earths atmosphere…landing in my back yard of course…And at  night, no less.

I captured a few images of him, since I presented no threat and was just minding my own business. this is just the first of those images.



Take a virtual tour of the latest Virginia Class submarine…

Tour the USS New Mexico. This is a very well done interactive tour. Sure looks different than the inside of a Trident SSBN (Ballistic Missile Submarine *Nuclear*).  Especially the control room and main navigation. Look at all those flat screens!



This is, by far, the most advanced attack submarine ever constructed. There are even some rumored technologies on this class of  boat that are revolutionary.  I won’t touch on them here, but do yourself a favor and Google the speculation if you must.

Some statistics of the war machine from the Federation of American Scientists: (old article BTW, but still relevant) It is interesting to note that much of the speculation about this class was true and well researched.


The Virginia class (or SSN-774 class) of attack submarines are U.S. submarines designed for a broad spectrum of open-ocean and littoral missions. They were designed as a less expensive alternative to the Cold War era designed Seawolf-class attack submarines, and they are slated to replace the aging Los Angeles class submarines, seventeen of which (from a total of 62) have already been decommissioned. Continue reading

Rocket launcher, made of "awesome".

So, I constructed this javelin-style rocket launcher with a few spare parts and some imagination. I thought you people might like to see it. I mean, who doesn’t need one of these? Just don’t go outside with it because SWAT might attack your house from a Federal or local agency… MMMmmmK?

rocket launcher

rocket launcher

I also have a few other views of it if you would like to see the whole thing, then go HERE

Otherwise, here is a closeup of the control module. super-badass right? Again, I must stress that this thing should never be taken outside your home…er…MY home.

launcher sighting system, rocket launcher sight

launcher sighting system

The missile actually looks like i has a legitimate seeker-head built into the nosecone just like a real smart-weapon.

seeker head module

seeker head for guidance

Star Wars pinup-girl/propaganda posters lure naive' young men into a life of service with the empire.

Star Wars propaganda poster by Feng Zhu

Star Wars propaganda poster by Feng Zhu

Via Geekologie.

Excerpt: There’s nothing sexier than a drawing of a hot girl, amirite? Wrong. That was a test and you failed you little hentai-loving horndog, you. Your shame aside, this is a little gallery of Star Wars pin-up/Galactic Empire propaganda posters as imagined by illustrator Feng Zhu. Because nothing makes men want to join a fighting force like pictures of hot girls

In my humble opinion, these are fairly innocuous and fun. I wonder if something like this would fly with the Rebel Alliance though. I thought they were more evolved on the topic of equality for women. Although, I haven’t ever seen a female combat pilot in the alliance. I would, of course, love to see one. especially if she looks anything like this scout trooper.

Further, would Princess amadinejad or whatever her name is approve of this type of imagery? Because I sure do. I think the brunette is the hottest one of all.