"War-E" the modded Wall-E.

I first decided to create this War-E after my son accidentally broke it. I never throw toys away but rather, I prefer to put them and thier associated contents into bins for later possible creations. Creating individual works from toys is rewarding as well. My son broke this toy by snapping the head off. I tried about 3 different glues to mend it but had no luck. Then, after watching Wall-E for the hundredth time, I realized what an annoying, clingy little wuss he was. I mean seriously, there was this gender reversal where Eve was the badass and Wall-E was a pathetic, emasculated twit. They say that is part of his charm but I found it irritating.

I wanted to re-imagine Wall-E as a hard-boiled combat robot. Period. You don’t survive on a ruined planet without a little bit of chutzpah, right?


I re-used his old eye from the salvaged head. Dissasembled it and rewired it. Yes, it does light up blue still when he makes noises.

War-E miniguns

I outfitted him with dual General Electric GAU-17/A machine guns. Also known as M134 gatling guns or “miniguns” with a rate of fire of 6,000 rounds per minute. Or in this case, 12,000 RPM. An infra-red searchlight/laser designator is also fitted and modified from the original head. War-E can reload his own ammunition from a stored cache in his chest where his garbage cubes used to be stored. Less garbage, more ammo.

War-E 3/4 view from above.

War-E 3/4 view from above.

Instead of cleaning up the planet alone and in vain, War-E can deliver an epic ass-kicking to any potential invader.

Dual weilded GAU series "miniguns" ready for action.

War-E rear view

War-E is equipped with a laser scanning system that detects movement from all sides, so don’t try to sneak up on him from behind!

Modded Nerf Longshot. Set phasers to…AWESOME!

This modded Nerf Longshot was a creation I came up with after watching too many movies that have awesome looking prop guns in them. I just couldn’t help myself. 🙂

Nerf Longshot

click to enlarge

It took me quite some time to finish the paint on this little hand cannon. I think it was worth my time. The results are quite good in my opinion.

Nerf Longshot

click to enlarge

I decided to take a few shots from different angles so you could get an idea of  the full look of this project.

nerf longshot rear

click to enlarge

Here are a couple of closeups…This one is of the breach.

Nerf longshot breech

click to enlarge

nerf longshot detail

click to enlarge

Here is a closeup of the scope.

nerf longshot scope

click to enlarge

And lastly, here is the nerf Maverick pistol that accompanies the longshot rifle.

nerf maverick pistol

click to enlarge

All said, I am pretty happy with th way these look. Stay tuned for the rocket launcher. 😛

Modded Hasbro millennium falcon featured on Gizmodo and wired geekdad blog.

Well, I know I have not been updating my site very much but I decided it was definitely time to start posting things here. I made a post on gizmodo in 2008 detailing the project that I took on for my son. It is a Hasbro millennium falcon That I bought at WalMart for about 150 dollars (way too much money for the original HASBRO toy i might add).

Here is what it looks like originally. Kind of lame if you ask me.

I quickly decided that the Chinese manufactured toy was way too clean and not realistic enough for my son. This is AMERICA RIGHT?! It just does not look like the “real” spacecraft AT ALL.  So I decided to tear apart some other toys, brutally rip the sensors out of them, add those sensors to my son’s millennium falcon…re-wire them with some cheap Chinese stuff and make a way better and much more “badass” millennium falcon for him. Then I decided to paint it like the models used in the movies. You can’t just have a cool toy that costs this much and not mod it…right? I am an artist, so that part was kind of fun! 🙂 That’s what I call “sticki’n it to THE MAN!!!!”

The part I was mentioning about the sensors is pretty cool…you can clap your hands or make another annoying or loud noise and the lights will come on. Or, I also installed an infra-red sensor that detects changes in the light conditions. If you turn a light on or off in the room, it activates the LED lights that I drilled into the hull of the ship. It’s pretty damn neat if you ask me. 🙂

Anyway, it was featured on GIZMODO.COM and since then, I have still been modding toys from all kinds of stores. Some things I mod from stuff I find at the goodwill store here in town. I will be posting these toys here, on my website to inspire you to do the same. Creatively modifying toys that are boring and homogenized crapola is a culture jammming effort that we should all aspire to. MAKE THEM BETTER! Nobody wants to play with unrealistic junk.

Click on the images to enlarge them…

millennium falcon

millennium falcon taken apart

millennium falcon underside1

millennium falcon inside detail parked underside 1

millennium falcon outside parked han solo

millennium falcon interior detail zoom out with dish included 2

So anyway, check out the original GIZMODO post. This project was very fun. I will have even more toy modded toys here soon. And, a rocket launcher I made from some

very special parts I found. 🙂